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Planning a Gift to ESA

To learn more about planned giving options, listen to this water cooler chat. Our ESA Executive Director moderates a conversation with long-time donor and former president Norm Christensen, Future Focus financial expert Rich Kellogg and James Carpenter from Fidelity Charitable that provides information to help you make decisions about giving.

Bequests and Other Planned Gifts

The following pages will offer ideas as to how you can be a partner in our efforts to shape and develop the future through promoting ecological science and raising the public's level of awareness of the importance of ecological science. Your gifts and support of ESA will increase the resources available for the conduct of ecological science and in return will provide you with personal and emotional fulfillment.

Legal Name:
Ecological Society of America
Tax ID Number:

There are as many different ways to support ESA as there are needs for your support. Planning a gift is more than just finding a need. There are a lot of factors to consider. If you are not familiar with the concepts and strategies of charitable gift planning, you might want to take a moment to consider some of the factors in planning for the future. And check out our chart briefly describing some of the charitable means that are available to you - see How Can I...?

Strategy for Seniors Congress extended the IRA charitable rollover. For more information, click here. With the new higher standard deductions, QCDs or Qualified Charitable Distributions may enable donors 70 1/2 and older who will not be itemizing to benefit tax wise from charitable contributions.

The stories that follow share some of the different ways people can become partners with us in changing lives. Take a moment to see how they - perhaps in circumstances similar to yours - have found ways to support the needs of others and causes that are important to them - the way ESA is important to you. In turn, they have enriched their own hearts as well. Just click on the links below.

Wills and Bequests Gifts of Appreciated Stock
Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) Charitable Remainder Trusts
Gifts of Retirement Assets Gifts of Life Insurance
Charitable Lead Trusts IRA Rollovers and Qualified Charitable Distributions

If you have already included ESA in your estate plans, please let us know by calling us or filling out our estate intention form. We would like to assist you in making certain your intentions will be carried out. If you have not written a will yet, regardless of your charitable intent, please consider this for it is a gift to your loved ones.

Some of the gift arrangements are revocable and others cannot be changed once established. Some work better with cash and others with appreciated assets. There are many variations, enough so that a giving plan can be tailored to your needs, desires and capabilities. Individual circumstances will vary - as with all tax and estate planning, please consult your attorney or estate specialist. We will be glad to answer questions and offer suggestions confidentially based on your personal circumstances. Please call us or e-mail us (see contact page). You may also use our information request form.

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Please note, individual financial circumstances will vary. The information on this site does not constitute legal or tax advice. As with all tax and estate planning, please consult your attorney or estate specialist. All material is copyrighted and is for viewing purposes only. Use of this site signifies your agreement with the terms of use. The content in this Planned Giving section has been developed for Ecological Society of America and is owned by Future Focus. Please report any problems to section webmaster.